#!PowerShell # # Add NPS(RADIUS) clients from CSV file to multiple NPS Servers # # Input CSV format: # # Address,Secret,Name #,SecretPassword,RadiusClientName #,SecretPassword # # 2018/05 ## Change this to suit your site $npsServers = @("SERVER01", "SERVER02") $newClientsCSV = Import-CSV $args[0] # Simple syntax check of input $newClientsCSV | foreach { if ($_.Address -notmatch "^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$") { throw '"'+[string]$_.Address + '" does not look like an IP address' } if (! $_.Secret) { throw 'No secret defined for Address "'+$_.Address+'"' } } #$newClientsCSV | foreach { Write-Host $_.Address $_.Name } foreach ($npsHost in $npsServers) { ## Get current list of clients by Get-NpsRadiusClient, and ## if the new client doesn't already exist, ## add it by New-NpsRadiusClient. Write-Host "Getting current NPS Clients from" $npsHost $clients = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $npsHost -ScriptBlock { Get-NpsRadiusClient } #Write-Host "NPS Clients of" $npsHost ":" #foreach ($client in $clients) { $client } foreach ($newClient in $newClientsCSV) { if (($clients | Where-Object {$_.Address -eq $newClient.Address}) -ne $null) { Write-Host "Client" $newClient.Address "exists, skipping" continue } ## $newClient is a new client, add it [string]$name = $newClient.Name if ( ! $name ) {$name = $newClient.Address} Write-Host "Adding new client" $newClient.Address "as" $name Invoke-Command -ComputerName $npsHost -ScriptBlock { param([string]$name, [string]$Address, [string]$secret) New-NpsRadiusClient -Name $name -Address $Address -SharedSecret $secret } -ArgumentList $name, $newClient.Address, $newClient.Secret > $null } } Write-Host "`r`nClose this window after examining the logs above.`r`n"