RHEL6/CentOS 6 doesn't boot on CPU without PAE. Using a custom non-PAE kernel will make it install. (2016/01)
Keywords: CentOS 6.x, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, RHEL6, Linux kernel, non-PAE, without PAE, i586, installation media respin, anaconda, AMD K6-2, VIA C3, CMOV emulation
$Id: dvd.m4,v 1.22 2019/08/18 05:44:32 kabe Exp $
You only need to replace kernel
package if
your machine is true i686 (Pentium-III class or after) but just non-PAE.
You may only need to replace
and grub
if you're going to run the installer on
i686 work machine, manually replace packages, and swap the disk onto i586 machine.
Expect extreme poor performance without glibc.i586.
For native i586 install, you need more quirks:
refuses so)
For speed gain, you also want these:
The .emu686 kernel above has CMOV, NOPL, FCOMI, FCMOVcc opcode emulation to let .i686 binaries run on i586 CPUs, which lacks "cmov" capability.
Note: opcode emulation is very slow in nature. Recompile for .i586 whenever possible.
Counts of emulated opcodes will be available under /proc/emulated_ops
# cat /proc/emulated_ops cmov: 256673435 nopl: 0 fcomi: 0 fucomi: 9450951 fcmov: 811784
If the above .emu686 kernel has stability problems, try these kernels (now EOLed):
On the work machine,
install anaconda
package (anaconda-runtime
is merged into it)
from official repository or media
with your favorite installation method.
% sudo yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=c6-media install anaconda
Don't skip the dependent packages; you need them all.
will be populated.
If work machine is CentOS 6.7 or below,
patch /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall
to accept --buildarch
CentOS 6.8 buildinstall
already has --buildarch
, so skip this part.
--- /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall.dist 2014-05-06 20:15:44.997897238 +0900 +++ /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall 2015-09-25 22:59:40.407821014 +0900 @@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ MIRRORLIST="$MIRRORLIST $2" shift; shift ;; + --buildarch) + BUILDARCH=$2 + shift; shift + ;; *) if [ -z "$REPO" ]; then @@ -200,6 +204,7 @@ BUILDINSTALL="$CWD/buildinstall" else pushd $BUILDINSTDIR + [ -z "$BUILDARCH" ] && \ BUILDARCH=`repoquery -c $yumconf --qf "%{ARCH}\n" anaconda` # lets use rpmutils to make sure we have the canonical basearch # BUILDARCH != BASEARCH (e.g. i586 != i386, sparcv9 != sparc)
Mount the original CentOS 6 media.
Copy over all of the contents as ./DVD1/
(so that you'll have ./DVD1/.discinfo
Clean up the TRANS.TBL
files as necessary.
rm -fr ./DVD1 cp -pr /media/dvd ./DVD1 chmod -R +w ./DVD1 find ./DVD1 -name TRANS.TBL -exec rm {} ';'
Also copy the second DVD as ./DVD2
Then, copy the custom kernel and other packages to replace,
into ./DVD1/Packages/
directory which holds *.rpm .
ln kernel-2.6.32-754.3.5.el6.emu686.v40.i586.rpm ./DVD1/Packages/ ...
And, Erase the original .i686 rpm. This is neeeded to prevent installation when using the respun media.
rm ./DVD1/Packages/kernel-2.6.32-754.el6.i586.rpm ...
You replaced the *.rpm, so ./DVD1/repodata/ should be regenerated as below.
mkdir ./tmpb #big scratch directory ~100MB discinfo=`head -1 ./DVD1/.discinfo` compsxml=`cd ./DVD1; find repodata -name '*comps.xml'` cp ./DVD1/$compsxml ./comps.xml rm ./DVD1/repodata/*.bz2 ./DVD1/repodata/*.gz cp ./comps.xml ./DVD1/repodata/c6-i386-comps.xml TMPDIR=`pwd`/tmpb \ createrepo -v -u "media://$discinfo" -g repodata/c6-i386-comps.xml --split \ ./DVD1 ./DVD2
is needed to buildinstall
find the
new kernel and other packages to build the installer.
Regeneration takes significant amount of time (~5 minutes on 3GHz machine) .
To let buildinstall
find packages in 2nd DVD,
./DVD2/repodata/ should also be repopulated as below.
createrepo -v -u "media://$discinfo" ./DVD2
is a program
to prepare the installer (anaconda) things you see when booting from the install media.
(Mandatory) Begin with a pristine directory to store the boot.iso file;
rm -fr ./DVD1/images/ # otherwise "ln boot.img" fails in mk-images.x86 rm -fr ./DVD1/isolinux/ # otherwise mkisofs fails
Then, invoke the buildinstall
with some options.
# mkdir ./tmpb #big scratch directory ~2GB sudo env TMPDIR=`pwd`/tmpb TMP=`pwd`/tmpb \ sh -x /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall \ --version 6.10 \ --product CentOS \ --release 6.10 \ --buildarch i586 \ --debug \ --output `pwd`/DVD1 \ `pwd`/DVD1 `pwd`/DVD2 2>&1 | tee /tmp/buildinstall.logThis takes a long time! (about 30 minutes on 3GHz machine) You would like to redirect the output to a logfile as above.
use chroot(2) and loopback filesystem.
As a result, the ./DVD1/images will be populated with installer boot files, notably ./DVD1/images/boot.iso .
Scratch directories will be lying around in
directories. You can safely delete them.
The recreated files are likely owned by root, so you would like to
sudo chown -R $LOGNAME ./DVD1/images ./DVD1/isolinux chmod -R +w ./DVD1/images ./DVD1/isolinux
The generated
of about
should boot as a network installer.
(CentOS 5 was around 8MB, BTW)
If your target machine has 2 spindles (CD and DVD; external USB okay),
burn and boot with this file.
It will recognize the CentOS 6 original DVD and installs --
but installed kernel will be stock i686-PAE one, so it won't reboot.
You could try it out anyway to see if the installer would work.
If the work directory is on a removable disk, you could boot off from ./DVD1/images/boot.iso, plug the disk into the target machine, and specify "Hard drive" as the installation medium. It should be a lot faster than a DVD.
does not use the native files
of the work machine to build the installer;
it unpacks files from the *.rpm in the directory.
Thus the work host doesn't have to be i386; working on x86_64 should be okay.
The logic to pick up i586 kernel still lives in buildinstall
but actual fresh install will use the kernel in the Packages/.
So, you need to erase and replace the i686-PAE kernel, and respin the media, as below.
Respin the media image by mkisofs
should be writeable to make it bootable, so
chmod -R +w ./DVD1/isolinux
Build an *.iso image:
mkisofs -o ./DVD1.iso \ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat \ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \ -R -v -T \ -J -joliet-long \ -f \ -V "CentOS_6.10_i586" \ ./DVD1
Then, embed the MD5 sum of the media you will use for mediacheck:
implantisomd5 ./DVD1.iso
A simple manpage of implantisomd5
Burn the DVD1.iso and try it out on your favorite non-PAE/i586 machine.
platform with
kernel option
package to work)