Congratulations, your browser didn't understand ISO-2022-JP!

Huh? watta ye talkin' about??
My pages, and majority of japanese WWW pages, are written in ISO-2022-JP encoding sequences. Your browser must understand this encoding to render them properly.

I can't give you detailed solutions; things below is all I know.

But I want to see japanese NOW!

If you are going to browse japanese pages more than once, you should consider obtaining japanese-capable browser, or installing DeleGate locally.

Using Native Windows?

You need Japanese-Font-Capable Windows first. Ask your local Windosed japanese.
And be sure that he's using AT-compatible (not PC98).

Using Native MacOS?

You must install KanjiTalk (Japanese-version of MacOS), or WorldScript for Japanese, first.

Using XTerm?

Unless you're using xterm supplied with NEWS-OS, xterms doesn't recognize japanese. You must use kterm, an xterm with multi-language encoding support. KTerm should be in X11 contrib, but if you don't have it, get kterm-6.1.0.

And don't forget to install japanese fonts which looks like -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*-jisx0208.1983-* in case your admin threw them away (they consumes disk space relative to latin fonts) .

Using Lynx?

Newer Lynx (2.5FM and up) should show Japanese encodings properly. If it doesn't, it's probably terminal-emulator's fault.

Using Chimera?

You must patch it up.

Using Arena?

Forget it unless you have access to the source. High probability of core dumps by 2022 sequences.

Using Mosaic?

Try selecting 'Options->Fonts->Japanese'. If it doesn't work (or not there), you'll need Localization-Enhanced Mosaic. Patches for Mosaic 2.6 should be available (elsewhere).