If you are reading this document, then your website has likely been touched by our web crawler. We have included some information below to help you understand what a crawler is, how you can deal with crawlers, and how to contact us. Some people are surprised when a crawler visits their site regularly, downloading pages. There are many groups with crawlers which crawl the web, and a code of conduct exists to ensure that crawlers and web sites can cooperate to achieve their respective goals. Being responsible professionals, we are very anxious to make sure that webmasters are not inconvenienced by our crawling activities, and we only wish to use publicly available data. Therefore, we abide by the Robots Exclusion Standard (see http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/exclusion.html), but more importantly we subscribe to the notion of being good citizens in our use of the Internet. We will therefore do our best to make sure that nobody is inconvenienced by our crawling activities. ------------------------------------------------------------------ What is a Crawler? ------------------------------------------------------------------ A Crawler (which may also be called a robot, spider, or bot) is a program that automatically traverses the Web's hypertext structure by retrieving a document, and recursively retrieving all documents that are referenced. For more information on Crawlers and the standards of crawling which we follow, you can visit the WebRobots FAQ (http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/robots.html). ------------------------------------------------------------------ How Do I Prevent My Website or Parts of My Website From Being Crawled by Your Crawler? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Our crawler activities may create a burst of moderate activity to a single server. However, if you would prefer that ours or other crawlers bypass a part or all of your website, or if you are concerned that your site is being heavily loaded by our crawler, then the simplest method for you to prevent this is to create a robots.txt file on your server. Any crawler should access this file before downloading anything from your server(s). This file should reside in the top level of your server, and allows you to control which parts of your server may be visited, and which crawlers are allowed to visit your site(s). Note that if your robots.txt file is malformed, then a crawler may not recognize your intention. We obey the Robot Exclusion Standard, originally constructed in 1994 and updated in 1996. You can review the standard at the Robotstxt website (http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/exclusion.html) ------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I make a Robots.txt File? ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are wondering what a robots.txt file look like, here is a simple one that asks all robots to stay away from /temp/documents and its subdirectories: # Sample robots.txt file 1 User-agent: * Disallow: /temp/documents/ The first line is a comment line which can be placed anywhere in a robots.txt file as long as the comment is preceded by a pound symbol (#). The second line designates robots to which the access policies apply, with a "*" meaning all robots. The third line disallows access to the specified directory and to any directories below it in the hierarchy. You can include multiple Disallow statements to prohibit access to two or more directories. You may want certain robots to access areas that are disallowed by other robots. The following robots.txt file allows unrestricted site access to a robot named CRAWLER but prohibits others from accessing either /temp/documents or /under_construction: # Sample robots.txt file 2 User-agent: * Disallow: /tmp/documents/ Disallow: /under_construction/ User-agent: CRAWLER Disallow: If you want to forbid all crawlers from crawling your site altogether, then create a robots.txt file with the following lines: # Sample robots.txt file 3 User-agent: * Disallow: / Upon seeing this, crawlers which abide by the robots standard, like we do, will immediately disconnect and go find another server. Any of the above sample robots.txt files must be placed in the top level of your server under the file name "robots.txt". Be sure to verify that the URL http://your.server.name/robots.txt will retrieve your newly created file. If you only want to forbid only our crawler from going through your site, then create a robots.txt file that contains the following lines: User-agent: wfarc Disallow: / Again, place this file in the top level of your server under the file name "robots.txt", and verify that the URL http://your.server.name/robots.txt will retrieve your newly created file. ------------------------------------------------------------------ How You Can Help Us Quickly Respond To You: ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can provides us with some pieces of information so that we can rapidly identify the source of any problems or issues involving our crawler interacting with your website. In your email to us, please include the following information: * An outline of your problem or issue * Identification of the IP Address of the server which our crawler touched * Identification of the time and date of the problem or issue * Identification of your name as contact person, email address and/or phone number * Entries from your server log(s) which shows the problem or URLs that triggered the problem or issue would also be helpful. How To Contact Us: If you have created a robots.txt file on your server and still have questions for us, then please contact us via email, including the information outlined above, using the email address![]()