perl-5.10 RPM package for CentOS Linux 9 / RHEL 9

WARNING: Do not use these packages. suidperl had been removed in perl-5.12 for reason (see perl5120delta(1), in perl-doc package). Write a wrapper in C language, then setuid it.

These packages are just a bait for those who needs the deprecated and insecure functionality. That said ...

The package provided on this page is a recompile of perl-5.10 package to run on CentOS Linux 9 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. You will have the deprecated suidperl functionality. It will be handy to run scripts which was running on CentOS 6 migrate to CentOS 9. (2022-06)

$Keywords: perl-5.10 CentOS Linux 9 RHEL 9 el9 rpm suidperl bison-2.4 $


Download perl510.el9.repo and drop it into /etc/yum.repos.d/. perl510 repository will becomes available, so you will just invoke

	# dnf install perl510-suidperl
to pull in the remaining packages.

The packages are located below repo/RPMS/ directory. You can browse and download and install the individual .rpm files if in need.

Installed location

To coexist with system default perl-5.32, these packages are named perl510-* instead of perl-*, and installs into /opt/perl510/ directory.

Symlink if needed

The package does not provide /usr/bin/suidperl . It is likely to be in hash-bang line

of the existing scripts. If you do not want to update the line to #!/opt/perl510/bin/suidperl, create a symlink by yourself:
	lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 30 Nov 14 19:17 /usr/bin/suidperl -> ../../opt/perl510/bin/suidperl


The repository also includes bison-2.4 bison24 package, needed to compile perl-5.10. (you don't need it unless you want to build the perl510 package by yourself)


suidperl is very picky about the execution environment. The existing code may or may not work. Some adjustments may be needed.

Environment Variables

Error message:
Insecure $ENV{PATH} while running setuid at line 5.
Resolution: explicitly set PATH to safe paths, like
Error message:
Insecure $ENV{BASH_ENV} while running setuid at line 5.
Resolution: explicitly set to empty, like
undef $ENV{"ENV"};
undef $ENV{"BASH_ENV"};